Reasons for WordPress to being Dominant in the Market


Reasons for WordPress to being Dominant in the Market

When it comes to building a website, the first logical solution that comes to mind is Word Press. Given Word Press’s market dominance of up to 40% in the sector, this is understandable. The number of monthly Google searches for terms involving “WordPress” is comfortably in the 37 million range, not to mention its future scope.

Let’s take a quick look at the most important aspects of WordPress’s success.

  1. Heaven for new starters – Word Press is completely Free to use

It is always a better ploy to plan ahead in times especially in this digital age specifically when you are considering your online project of any sort. In light of your Project objectives and goals at some point in time ensuring more server resources, strengthening your security, and introducing new features will be on the priority list, although Hosting Services are getting affordable, lateral mentions will demand more. This means that your project cost will rise high when that time comes

Here Word Press comes to your aid by providing the following

  • It is free to download
  • It is also free to customize
  • Theme and plugins for CMS (Content Management System) with no additional cost

So overall Word Press is highly effective for new business starters when your project is on budget

  • Word Press Architecture is open source

The code of Word Press is unlocked, or open-source, in technical terms, which is fantastic! Professional developers can customize apps using plugins and exciting features. As a result, you may be able to set up your internet business with the facilities that you require based on your client feedback.

  • Free Theme and Plugin which is Vast in numbers

It is not a myth. It is a fact that there are numerous themes and plugins available to help you improve your website. Around 54,000 plugins and 11,000 themes are available in Word Press. The possibilities are endless here. You may create a visually appealing representation of your internet business and turn it into a brand.

  • Multi-Purpose Website

Over one million websites are predicted to be created using Word Press, and Why Not! With so many built-in functions, the plugin option allows the designer to create any form of the website, including podcasts, e-commerce sites, blogs, and more. This accurately depicts the evolution of Word Press since its inception in 2003, when it was built for a single purpose only: Multi-blogging. As a result, technology has advanced significantly. I believe it is difficult to anticipate the future at this time because everything is possible with WP.

  • Expedite Search Engine Optimized- Without a technical background

To acquire leads and increase traffic flow on your newly purchased website, SEO is critical. However, saying it is easier than doing it, to project that the website is better than the competition, it needs professionals that understand search engine needs and requirements.

WP helps in this area as well, by giving SEO-friendly URLs, utilizing H-tags, and configuring metadata — all without the need to learn any coding.

  • For your online business, WP provides step-by-step features.

The secret to running a successful online business is to plan ahead. Your project’s road map may experience ups and downs. However, things do not always go as planned.

WP content management system (CMS) is meant to help you solve problems. As a result, improving your website based on customer feedback and user experience will always be a key to increased traffic flow, sales, and income in the end. Word press can always help with this.

  • Word Press Communities

Word Press has a sizeable user base. Due to the nature of the architecture, freelancers and developers have traded bits of knowledge, and as a result, technology has evolved beyond its limitations and continues to grow.

Now, if want to learn more about Word Press, you can join thousands of WP communities and even watch videos on YouTube to assist you to solve a problem if one arises.

  • User-Friendly Content Management system

You may quickly work your way around the interface if you understand the basics of the Word Press Application’s Content management system. The goal is to get as many people as possible to use this platform. WP gives you complete control over what and when is posted on your website. You can add many authors and give them varying administrative rights.

  • Easily catered interface even if you have inadequate experience

The creation of a website is a form of art. In the current digital age, it takes specialists who are experts in this industry to create an impression of your idea. This, of course, necessitates financial investment. It can, however, be easily catered to through the CMS of Word Press, even if you have minimal experience and are still learning. The interface of the WP application is simple to understand and apply with options. Furthermore, the community may provide assistance when needed

  1. Best fit for all devices such as Mobile, Tablets, & Laptops

Mobile phones, tablets, and the Android operating system are all part of today’s digital age. Meaning, that when designing your website, keep in mind that you may need to accommodate it for all screens.

However, WP has fixed this problem, and all you have to do now is choose the best possible theme for all Word Press templates and move on. This will save you time and allow you to concentrate on other important tasks such as sales and revenue generation.


As you can see from the illustrations above, Word Press is the greatest tool for creating a website that meets all of your needs. It can assist you in making a memorable impression of your concept and changing your life permanently.

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